Tiny Youtube Player

This simple app provides the convenient way to watch Youtube videos while doing something else. It locates at the bottom right corner of the desktop, stays on the top most of all windows and never closes (even if user presses Window + D keys). It turns 50% transparent when user moves to other windows or 100% visible when user clicks on.

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App For Android RMI Architecture

This app utilizes the Anroid RMI to provide two basic modules, chat and web browsing. The more modules such as file sending, telephone etc. will be updated in the near future. This article will describe in detail the technologies that I used to adopt the library and develop the modules.

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Observation System

This is my research project based on the Image Processing technique that I learned from the Wheelchair Project, web and Android development. The observation system uses a camera to detect human movements and light changes in our office. If an event happens, the system will capture the motion series and store them into the file system and database as evidents. User with permission can retrieve the evidents including captured pictures and the evident details.

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Wheelchair Project

Wheelchair Controlling System is the project from Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Utah State University. I worked on this project during the Summer 2017. Since the project has not been completed and turned to the 2nd phase, I just listed some of the completed work that I have committed.

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[Research] Service Middleware

Design a new middleware architecture to leverage device-to-device collaborations for code offloading. The new approach improves significantly performance and energy consumption.

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